Exciting in-person and Zoom workshops available for your group, school or college!

Total Singer Workshop
Bring the acclaimed Total Singer Workshop to your college, university or singing organization! The 2-3 day Total Singer Workshop outlines the Voiceworks® Method, a concise, systematic, effective approach to voice training based on 60 years of voice study and proficiency. Lisa is one of America’s top voice experts, an international lecturer and voice researcher who shares her life’s-work and up-to-date voice research at this Workshop. If you’re interested in improving your skills as a singer, voice teacher, speech pathologist or choir conductor, you’ll want to host or attend.
The Voiceworks® Method takes the mystery out of singing in ALL styles with an emphasis on commercial vocal styles (CCM), musical theater styles and especially techniques on how to teach safe, beautiful belting to the top of one's vocal range. These techniques allow singers, singing and speech teachers how to control their singing and speaking voices in a fun and memorable way. This is the ultimate how-to seminar for voice!
The Total Singer Workshop is an interactive experience exploring the differences between classical and popular voice technique, both pedagogical and scientific. Highlights from thirty years of research at international voice labs comparing classical and popular voice mechanics will be presented.
The Workshop is useful for singers, voice teachers, speech pathologists, choir conductors and anyone interested in the science of singing. For speech pathologists, the 3-day Total Singer Workshop qualifies for 2.2 ASHA CEUs.
The Total Singer Workshop will define, analyze and show you exactly how to sing and teach these vocal styles:
Pop • Rock • R&B • Country • Musical Theater ‘Legit’ & ‘Belting’• Operetta • Opera • Choir • Jazz

Bring these Vocal Training Classes to your College

- Total Singer Workshop – 1, 2 or 3 day event.
- Voiceworks® Method: Technique for Singing/Speech and Pedagogy of Styles
- Comparative Vocal Styles: Classical, Belting, Pop, R&B, Country, Rock & Jazz.
- Belt Your Way to the Top: Belting Technique for Musical Theater & Commercial Styles.
- Safe & Beautiful Belting for Show Choirs.
- Classical vs. Commercial Voice Technique: Science & Pedagogy.
- R&B (Soul) Singing Techniques.
- On the Road with Your Voice: Voice Care for Touring Singers.
- American Jazz Styles & Techniques.
- Musical Theater Vocal Styles: Belting and Legit.
Speech Improvement & Performance
- Voice Makeover for Business.
- How to Speak Beautifully.
- Star-Power: Voice, Charisma, Confidence.
- Voiceworks® Method for Speech Pathologists.
- Voice Preservation for Professional Speakers
Hand-outs will be made available for all voice workshops and master classes. Video presentations based on Lisa’s ground-breaking research using video-fluoroscopy, MRI, stroboscopy and high-speed video can be included.
For more on voice training, workshops, lectures, courses, coaching and for booking information, please contact Lisa at