Free Vocal Tips
Video vocal tips for you to enhance your voice technique.

If you’ve ever struggled with your voice or suspected that singing well shouldn’t be so confusing, then you’ve come to the right place!
Free Vocal Tip No.1
In Vocal Tip #1, celebrity voice coach Lisa Popeil demonstrates how to make your voice sound louder, clearer, and more exciting!
Free Vocal Tip No.2
Lip Trills
In Vocal Tip #2, you'll learn how to do Lip Trills correctly, a useful technique to warm up the voice and extend vocal range.
Free Vocal Tip No.3
Upper Belly 'Magic Spot'
In Vocal Tip #3, get ready for instant vocal improvement by finding and learning how to use your Upper Belly 'Magic Spot', the main support job for singing.
Free Vocal Tip No.4
Lower Belly Support
In Vocal Tip #4, Lower Belly Support will help you experience comfortable singing and easy high notes!
Free Vocal Tip No.5
Straight Tone
In Vocal Tip #5, Lisa will show you how to master a well -supported straight tone, one of a singer's most important skills.
Free Vocal Tip No.6
Singer's Credo
Practice this invocation as a great way to achieve your optimal mental state as a performer and keep your vocals sounding fresh and believable.
Free Vocal Tip No.7
Voice Box Stabilization
Learn how to better control your voice box's natural up and down movement to even out your vocal sound, whether singing high or low!
Free Vocal Tip No.8
Head Position
In Vocal Tip #8, Lisa demonstrates the best ways to position your head to avoid straining your voice or throwing off your pitch.
Free Vocal Tip No.9
Lift Those Cheeks
In Vocal Tip #9, Lisa discusses the benefits of lifting your cheeks while singing to enhance brightness and ring while reducing excessive nasality.
Free Vocal Tip No.10
Reducing Breathiness
Singing too breathy? In Tip #10, you'll learn a few basic methods to reduce excessive breathiness safely.
Free Vocal Tip No.11
Tongue Position
In Vocal Tip #11, Lisa discusses the best positions for your tongue to achieve a great vocal sound!
Free Vocal Tip No.12
If you feel like you're "reaching" for your high notes, Lisa will demonstrate how to avoid straining.
Free Vocal Tip No.13
Controlling Vibrato Speed
If your vibrato is too slow or too fast, check out several exercises which may help you better control the speed of the vibrato in your voice.
Free Vocal Tip No.14
Facey vs Throaty Sound
In Vocal Tip #14, voice expert Lisa Popeil discusses the advantages of singing with a "facey" sound as opposed to a "throaty" sound, which is not only more attractive, it will allow you to sing longer without vocal fatigue.
Free Vocal Tip No.15
Range vs Timbre
In Vocal Tip #15, Lisa explains the two basic ingredients which contribute to your unique vocal sound and your vocal range.
Free Vocal Tip No.16
Yawning Problem
Do you find yourself yawning uncontrollably when you sing? In Vocal Tip #16, learn a useful trick to stop that urge which is surprisingly common in beginning singers!
Free Vocal Tip No.17
Register Transition Smoothing
In Vocal Tip #17, vocal technique innovator Lisa Popeil discusses Register Transition Smoothing and shows how to use this important technique to achieve an even sound when transitioning from chest voice to head voice.
Free Vocal Tip No.18
Vocal Rest
In Vocal Tip #18, your vocal coach Lisa discusses the importance of getting adequate vocal rest to protect the health and happiness of your vocal folds.
Free Vocal Tip No.19
In Vocal Tip #19, you'll learn how to properly blow more air past your vocal folds which can result in a velvety and romantic sound.
Free Vocal Tip No.20
Easy High Notes
Check out these quick tips to help you hit your high notes with comfort and ease.
Free Vocal Tip No.21
Vocal Fold Pressing
One of the worst things you can do to your voice is to squeeze your vocal folds. With a simple exercise, Lisa demonstrates how you can avoid dangerous pressing.
Free Vocal Tip No.22
In Vocal Tip #22, celebrity voice coach Lisa Popeil demonstrates how to control the buzzy, nasal sound in your voice.
Free Vocal Tip No.23
In Vocal Tip #23, celebrity voice coach Lisa Popeil demonstrates belting, which is singing in a speech-like or yell-like sound to the top of your range, and gives a quick tip to safely sing in a belting style to achieve an exciting vocal sound.
Free Vocal Tip No.24
Working a Mic
Learn the best way to hold and move a microphone to achieve a clear and undistorted vocal sound in live performance.
Free Vocal Tip No.22
In Vocal Tip #22, celebrity voice coach Lisa Popeil demonstrates how to control the buzzy, nasal sound in your voice.